Simple Rules if You Are Registering

Read them
Site Admin
Posts: 609
Joined: December 13th, 2011, 8:57 pm

Simple Rules if You Are Registering

Post by Heibi2 »

1. If you are registering for this forum for any other reason than ANIME, don't bother.
2. If you post any language resembling Russian and the like it will be deleted and your account deleted. Not to mention your e-mail banned and user name.
3. Be civil to others. i.e. Treat others the way you wish to be treated.
4. Please don't ask for scripts.
5. Don't ask for when we are going to finish a project. We will keep you updated on progress. No post means no progress.
6. Inactive accounts are purged regularly. Especially when the e-mail attached is suspicious.
7. Don't bother posting links to your sales website - it will be deleted as well as your account.